Our Mission

At the Nell Gwynn we are fully committed to giving all our children access to high quality early years education, recognising the importance of laying a firm foundation for later learning. Our aim is to provide a rich and relevant curriculum through play, enabling children to make the best possible progress. We are dedicated to inclusion and our strength lies in responding to children’s diverse learning needs. We actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation which may hinder or exclude children. It is our wish to see our children thrive and feel valued as members of the wider school community.

Speech & Language Therapy

Useful Links:

Please choose from the links below:

Southwark Information Advice and Support Team (SIAS):

Contact Details:

Tel: 0207 525 3104
Email: sias@southwark.gov.uk

Contact-A-Family details:

National Autistic Society:

Meeting the Needs of Ethnic Minority Families Living with Autism (NEMFLA)links:

Downs Syndrome Association:

Down Right Excellent!


Provides information and advice for carers and aims to raise awareness of the rights and needs of carers in Southwark.

Tel: 020 7708 4497

Cerebral Palsy Helpline

Tel:  0808 800 3333

Southwark Parent Carers’ Council

Email:  info@southwarkpcc.org.uk
Tel: 0207 525 1106 or 07944 107019
Website: www.southwarkpcc.org.uk

Southwark Advocacy

Provides independent advocacy and representation for children with severe learning disabilities and/or complex needs.

Contact: Vicky Cowin  (Thursday & Friday)

Cambridge House,
131 Camberwell New Road,
London, SE5 OHF

Tel: 020 7701 0743/020 7708 1408

Children with disabilities and complex needs social work team

This is a specialised team within social care which can become involved with families where there is a disabled child with a severe and permanent disability. The team is made up of Social Workers, Social Worker Assistants, a Communication Specialist, support staff and managers.

They provide advice, information and signposting, carry out assessments, plan services and provide social care support.

The disablities’ team can work jointly with many of the other professionals in the building in a ‘team around the child’ approach.

Parents can refer themselves by telephone or letter.

Sunshine House in the Southwark Children and Young People’s Development Centre, 27 Peckham Road, London, SE5 8UH

Tel: 020 3049 8250

National Autistic Society – Website: www.autism.org.uk  Address: 393 City Road, London, EC1V 1NG   Tel: 020 7833 2299

Parents’ Voices   Website: www.southwarkpcc.org.uk   This is a Southwark Parent Carers’ Council run by parents who have children with a disability.

Autism Support Group, Tel: 020 7525 2897

Behaviour Support Team, Tel: 020 7525 2897

Family Information Service, Tel: 0800 013 0639

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