The federation of Ann Bernadt
& Nell Gwynn Nursery Schools
The Governing Body
The schools have a Governing Body including parents, staff, community and Local Authority representatives. The Governing Body has a legal responsibility for the Nursery Schools. The Governors work with the Executive Head teacher and staff to set the vision and strategic aims and to monitor and evaluate performance. The Governors are actively involved in the life of the schools and regularly visit to observe, report and share in our celebrations.
Governing Board Roles
- Gregory Doey: Interim Executive Head
- Barry Joseph: Chair of Governors – Co-opted Governor with responsibilities for Safeguarding and Wellbeing
- Dipesh Panchal: Clerk
- Janet Walker O’Brien: Vice Chair (Co-Chair) – LA Governor
- Susan Crisp: Vice Chair (Co-Chair) – Co-opted Governor
- Lillian Angulo: Business Manager
- Levia Ostrove-Pound: Head of School and SENCo at Ann Bernadt – Associate Member
- Pippa Baker: Head of School and SENCo at Nell Gwynn – Associate Member
- Rebecca Savage: Class Teacher at Ann Bernadt – Staff Governor
- Fatima Mahfud: Parent Governor
- Dorcas Idehen: Parent Governor and SEND Governor
- Liseli Bull: Co-opted Governor
- Simon Little: Co-opted Governor
- Vimal Bhogaita: Co-opted Governor
- Christopher Brewster: Co-opted Governor
- Jana Ikere: Co-opted Governor
The Parent Governors are parents of children attending the schools at the time of appointment. They are selected through a school election process. All parents of children in School are eligible as parent Governors. There are three full Governing body meetings annually. There are also additional committee meetings each term.
Staff Governors are elected by staff. Local Authority representative are selected by Southwark Council and Co-opted Governors are elected by the Governing Body based on their skills and attributes relevant to the School.
If you are interested about finding out more about the Governing Body, please speak to the Executive Headteacher or a member of staff.